Okuma’s Connect Plan is a system that provides analytics for improved utilization by connecting machine tools and visual control of factory operation results and machining records. Simply connect the OSP and a PC and install the Factory Monitor suite on the PC to see the machine operation status from the shop floor, from an office, from anywhere.
"Connect Plan is an eye-opener. You ask most machinists how many hours a day their spindle runs, and they think it’s 80 to 90 percent of the time, and that’s not really the case. We’ve increased spindle utilization about 15 percent since implementing Connect Plan, and that number is increasing the more machines we add."
Okuma’s Connect Plan lite gives insight into the powerful features of our full Connect Plan machine connectivity platform. View operating history and production rates in visual graph format, see alarm history with live links to alarm details and more, all on an easy-to-read display.
Want to see the impact of Connect Plan lite on your machine productivity?
Click below to download a copy of the Connect Plan lite app.